
What treatments do you need during your period?

Menstrual pain is pain that occurs in the abdomen, back or pelvis during menstruation. This discomfort is not normal, but it is common. Over half of all women suffer from pain during their period, and surveys show that a staggering 90% of adolescent girls are affected. The pain can range from mild to severe and might hamper the ability to perform daily activities. Although the old-school world frowns upon using any form of period pain treatment  that isn’t natural, gynaecologists today recommend opting for these treatments. This abnormal pain and discomfort during bleeding are known in medical terms as dysmenorrhoea. There are several period pain treatment options available. Given below is a list of some of the most popular period pain treatment  options: ●  Avoid caffeine: food with caffeine and high salt content and fried food and chocolates should be avoided in the week leading up to your periods.  Chocolates are high in methylxanthines, which the liver must process and